banking advice

The extensive experience of the Piñeiro Consultores team in the credit institution sector allows us to accompany you in all your banking relationships.

We can help you in:

  • negotiation of its asset operations; loans, credits, remittances, discounts, etc…
  • choice of means of collection and payment
  • cash flow analysis, liquidity availability, payment terms, etc…
  • … and everything related to your banking relationships.

We always provide our professional opinion to facilitate decision-making.


    Every project has financing needs and at some point these have to be covered by resorting to credit institutions.

    We accompany you in contracting, preparing the necessary information, proposing the type of operation that is advisable and negotiating the signing of contracts with advantageous conditions.


    It is important to define both the means of collection and payment and the choice of these depends on different variables depending on the type of business.

    Security, speed, commercial reasons among others are aspects to take into account that help achieve success.


    The availability of liquidity is a pillar in the development of any project.

    For this, it is essential to have adjusted payments and income forecast to know in advance the liquidity forecasts that allow safely undertaking investments, purchases or other initiatives.ALISIS